Sciota, Pennsylvania
Questions to Ask Your Sedation Dentist
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It is common for patients to skip going to the dentist out of fear and anxiety. Maybe you had a bad experience previously, or you just don’t like the sights and sounds at the dentist’s office. The good news is that Quiet Valley Dental offers oral sedation dentistry, which can help you feel calm and relaxed during your appointment. We recommend oral sedation dentistry to apprehensive patients, those with a phobia of going to the dentist, and patients undergoing extensive or lengthy appointments that may struggle sitting still for long periods. But before you undergo oral sedation dentistry, here are some answers to commonly asked questions that you should ask your Sciota sedation dentist.
Oral sedation dentistry is safe and effective for most healthy adults. How it works: is the dentist prescribes a mild sedative that is taken just prior to your appointment or upon arrival. While the medication does not put you under, you may feel somewhat drowsy. Therefore, we recommend that you have a trusted individual bring you to your appointment and take you back home. This individual should also be able to sit and wait at the office during your treatment. The effects of oral sedation dentistry should help you feel calm and relaxed, although you’ll be fully aware of your surroundings and able to talk.
Yes! You will not be put to sleep, and so you will be able to breathe on your own.
The best way to prepare for your appointment is to have someone be your designated driver and sit and wait on you during your treatment. This individual should also stay with you after your appointment since you may feel a bit drowsy for several hours afterward. You may find it helpful to wear comfortable or loose-fitted clothing since you will be resting for the remainder of the day, and it will also help you feel relaxed during your visit.
At the conclusion of your appointment, we will provide any post-op care instructions to your driver or the person that will be responsible for you for the remainder of the day. You will be able to walk and feed yourself. We just advise having someone sit with you for the rest of the day in case you feel dizzy and to prevent any falling accidents. However, plan on not returning to work for the day. Here are some other activities you should avoid for the first 24 hours until the oral sedation wears off completely.
For the first 24 hours, please avoid:
- Heavy lifting
- Driving
- Operating machinery
- Taking unapproved medications
- Alcohol
- Strenuous activity
- Making major life decisions or signing important paperwork
If the thought of going to the dentist scares you or you avoid going at all costs, then oral sedation dentistry may be right for you. Be sure to discuss your complete health history with the dentist so that we can be sure that oral sedation is right and safe for you.
All-Porcelain Dental Crowns in Sciota, Pennsylvania
If you are interested in learning more about all-porcelain dental crowns or finding out if a dental crown is the right choice for you, contact Quiet Valley Dental at (570) 992-7040 and schedule a consultation.