4 Alarming Signs you need to see a Sciota Emergency Dentist

Sciota, Pennsylvania

Dental problems often cannot be ignored, especially if they cause you pain or embarrassment. But some concerns are worse than others, leaving you no choice but to seek emergency dental care near you. One question we get asked often is how to tell when a dental problem is bad enough to need care now? Today on our newest blog, we share four alarming signs that you need to see a Sciota emergency dentist right away.

Broken or avulsed tooth

An avulsed tooth is when a tooth gets knocked out of the socket, which requires immediate dental care. If your tooth does get knocked out, try to gently place it back into the socket or put it in a plastic baggie with milk to keep it hydrated until you arrive at your dentist. A broken tooth may or may not cause pain but is subject to additional damage if put off for too long. Depending on how bad the break is, the tooth’s nerve and blood supply may be exposed, which could start causing pain or an abscess as bacteria enter the inside chamber of the tooth.

Dental abscess

A dental abscess is an infection that could spread to other teeth or throughout your body, affecting your heart or brain. In severe cases, a dental abscess could lead to life-threatening complications. Sometimes dental abscesses do not hurt but they often cause pain so severe it is described as one of the worst pains. An abscess may appear along the gum next to an injured or decayed tooth. The abscess itself will look like a bump and may be either red or white like a pimple. Other signs of a dental abscess include facial swelling and warmth on the affected side of the face. You should see the emergency dentist immediately if you develop a dental abscess.

Lost crown or filling

Having a crown that pops off your tooth or a filling that falls out may or may not cause pain. But it could jeopardize your tooth by causing it to become damaged when chewing or biting. In some cases, the remaining tooth structure may be jagged and sharp, which could lacerate your tongue or cheek. If a crown or filling is lost, you should see an emergency dentist near you in Sciota.

Significant pain or facial swelling

Healthy teeth and gums don’t hurt. If they do, then there is a problem that needs to be addressed with the proper dental care. It’s not uncommon to experience mild twinges of discomfort like tooth sensitivity when eating or drinking something icy cold. This type of discomfort is often rare and subsides rather quickly after you stop eating the food that’s causing you pain. However, significant pain or facial swelling should not be ignored and could be a sign of a serious oral health condition that requires emergency treatment.

Emergency Dentists in Sciota, Pennsylvania

Experiencing an unexpected dental problem or significant pain can derail your plans for the day (or night)! You should not have to suffer for days while waiting for an appointment. If you experience one of these dental issues mentioned on our blog today and you live in the Sciota area, you should contact Quiet Valley Dental right away for an appointment by calling (570) 992-7040.

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