The Connection between Dental Health and Weight Loss

Sciota, Pennsylvania

The New Year is here, and with it, many people make resolutions. One of the most common resolutions is to get healthier, which usually means losing weight. Being overweight has a host of potential health consequences, but did you know that weight loss also can improve your dental health? Your dentists in Sciota explore this topic in greater detail, today on the blog.

The importance of good nutrition

That old cliche that you are what you eat is a cliche for a reason. A healthy and nutritious diet is vital to successfully managing your weight. Aim for a diet with plenty of fresh foods and vegetables, and lean sources of protein. Eating too much sugar can provide fuel for the bacteria and plaque in your mouth that lead to tooth decay. Certain dental issues can make it hard to crunch down on fresh produce: namely, any condition that impedes chewing. This might lead to an increased amount of processed foods, which typically are worse for both your oral health and overall wellness.

The importance of regular exercise

Regular exercise is another vital part of weight management. Dental issues can make it hard to work out or even go through normal activities like walking. If you are dealing with an infected tooth or deep cavity, this can lead to debilitating pain that makes it difficult just to focus on a daily basis. You may need a root canal to repair the damage or have the tooth extracted. Any oral infection, including gum disease, can make you feel lethargic as your body diverts its resources to combat the infection.

How inflammation can be a negative factor

A connection can be formed between weight gain, diabetes and gum disease. When you have gum disease, it can aggravate inflammation throughout the body. This increased inflammation can negatively affect the production of leptin, which is a protein that regulates your ability to feel full when you eat. If your leptin levels are reduced, this means your appetite increases, as does your food take, and leads to weight gain.

The benefits of professional advice

Your general dentists in Sciota at Quiet Valley Dental can do much more than just clean teeth and repair damage to them. We also offer nutritional counseling, which includes recommendations on what you should and should not eat for overall health and wellness, while also lowering your risk of dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. We offer this counseling for patients of any age at our practice.

Family dentistry in Sciota, Pennsylvania

The team at Quiet Valley Dental understands that good overall health is impossible without good oral health. Maintaining nutrition, getting regular exercise and managing your weight all are vital pieces of the puzzle as well. To learn more about our services, or if it has been a while since you have seen a dentist, schedule a consultation today at our office in Sciota. Quiet Valley Dental currently is accepting new patients. Make an appointment today by calling (570) 992-7040 or completing our appointment request form online.

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