Sciota, Pennsylvania
’Tis the season for festive get-togethers with family and friends and work holiday parties. Is your smile ready? Our dentist in Sciota has compiled the following list of ways to make sure your smile is merry and bright right in time for the holidays!
Practice strong oral hygiene
This may seem like a given, but especially during the holidays when we’re consuming more sugar than normal, it’s important to take excellent care of your oral health. Brushing your teeth twice a day — once in the morning and once at night — and flossing every day will greatly reduce your chances of developing cavities and gum disease. Want to boost your hygiene routine? Add a third brushing after lunch, and use a mouthwash approved by the American Dental Association.
Watch what you eat
A person’s diet has a significant impact on the appearance of his or her teeth and smile. Foods that are processed and high in sugar increase the risk of developing cavities, so limit your consumption of foods like chips, crackers, desserts, sodas and candy. Acidic foods and beverages like wine, berries, coffee and dark tea can stain teeth or cause acid erosion of the tooth enamel, causing teeth to look dingy and yellow. Enjoy these foods and beverages in moderation, and rinse with water afterward to help immediately wash away acid and sugar until you can get to your toothbrush.
Avoid tobacco
Smoking, chewing tobacco and vaping are harmful to your overall physical health, and tobacco use is proven to cause damage to your oral health, too. Nicotine and tar accumulate on the teeth and lead to stains. Tobacco also dries out the mouth, which can cause halitosis (bad breath) and increase your risk of developing cavities and gum disease. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which slows blood flow and impedes healing anywhere in the body, including the gums. So ditch the tobacco if you truly desire a healthy smile and teeth! We know that kicking the habit can be hard. If you need a little help, don’t hesitate to speak with your doctor about it.
Visit the dentist twice a year
While brushing and flossing at home are the cornerstone of any strong oral health regimen, your routine isn’t complete without twice-a-year visits to the dentist for an exam and professional cleaning. The dentist is able to see things like fractures in the teeth that we’re unable to see with the naked eye. Also, plaque builds up on the teeth of even the most devoted brushers and flossers. Our family dentist in Sciota can reach those places during a professional cleaning, which will help prevent cavities and gum disease.
Try professional teeth whitening
All the general oral hygiene care in the world can’t brighten and whiten a smile like what can be accomplished with just one visit to our cosmetic dentist in Sciota. Wow guests at all your holiday gatherings this year with a dramatically whiter smile thanks to a professional whitening treatment. It’ll boost your confidence so much that you’ll be flashing your smile without hesitation in any situation!
Teeth Whitening in Sciota, PA
It’s the season for you to be merry, so make your teeth bright! An affordable, non-invasive and quick solution to hiding your smile because of stained teeth is right around the corner. Give us a call at Quiet Valley Dental, (570) 865-7850, or reach us online to schedule an appointment today!